Below are some of our featured healers for past + upcoming HeartCamp retreats and Urban Workshop events!

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Tara Aura

Tara Aura is a ritual artist, meditation guide, and certified yoga teacher who ORganizes intimate wellness events and retreats that center marginalized communities. She is an Ivy League-educated writer, creative producer, and marketing strategist, especially interested in pleasure activism, food justice, and elevating Black life.

Photo Credit: Urban Outfitters

Sara Elise

Sara Elise is the owner-designer of Harvest & Revel, an alternative catering company creating elegant, nutritious and ethically produced culinary experiences. She is also a freelance wellness & manifestation coach- providing sliding scale, community-focused guidance in realizing/remembering your fullest Self and personal expansiveness.


Yong-Moon Lee (-MOON) is an award winning Korean-American designer & DJ working with authentic brands to adapt and respond creatively to ever-changing environments.

Deeply influenced by his multicultural upbringing, Yong-Moon brings together an equal representation of Eastern and Western ideals in support of our human desire for global reconciliation.


Trae Harris

Trae is a Brooklynite by way of Baltimore who incorporates movement, poetic writing, film, and esoteric spirituality to re-imagine and highlight the lives and experiences of Queer Back Women in the Americas. Trae is passionately invested in artivism as a form of protest and praise and extends this passion as a facilitator for both youth and adults alike.  


Derrick little

Derrick is a NYC based artist and spiritual warrior who moonlights as a sacred sound musician and kundalini yoga teacher.  He also practices the art of Palmistry, Tarot, and the language of symbols.


Carmen Mayes

Carmen is the creator of Written in the Stars, a website that demystifies mysticism and gives practical uses for astrology and universal wisdom. As a Spiritual Wellness Coach, Carmen helps clients through times of transition and personal growth using spiritually aligned and mystical practices including Reiki, intuitive divination, earth medicine, and life coaching.

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Laura Chung

Laura Chung is a New York based Energy Healer and Meditation Teacher. She has her Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and spent most of her adult life in corporate America following a traditional life path. NOW DIVESTED from that and well-travelled, SHE is a REIKI MASTER and certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and Awaken and aLign podcast host.


Jenna Wortham

Jenna Wortham is a writer for the NY Times, podcaster (check out Still Processing!), urban herbalist, empath, and amateur videographer in Brooklyn. She also crafts a collective care newsletter that can be found by clicking the link below.


KALAH hill

Kalah helps others discover their true selves through our innate internal guidance systems of pleasure. As the founder of Pussy Consciousness, it is her intention to reclaim the wisdom and truth of our humanity by remembering our original erotic source.